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The Body in Dance and Philosophy
This is the second number of the special volume of The Bedbug Online Magazine dedicated to expanding the boundaries between the arts and philosophy. Again the focus is the body, but this time focusing on the relationship between dance and philosophy. The goal is to go beyond simplistic dualisms through which they often interpret the existence, the mind thinks, while the body feels, and therefore the dancer moves, but thinks and reflects the thinker, but does not act. Contrary to what one might imagine, these dualisms inadvertently prevail in many areas of everyday life (see the architecture of our homes to know, such as
essays and articles
, where the embodiment is ignored or even suppressed). Unfortunately also in academia, where we would expect a constant attitude of resistance against the Cartesian remnants present in the culture, such dualisms reappear in many guises (eg., Distrust of certain sectors of the theory to the practice and vice versa) !
If we start from the other models of human existence, where the co -reciprocal conditioning between body and mind is not only observed, but assumed, then dance and philosophy are no longer considered strange to each other, but as natural partners in the same project to expand our world and their understanding. Dance thinking, philosophy moves, both, each in its own way, allow the potential to intensify the body. The body is a territory where cultural battles and political place in the contemporary era. The body is a force field, where both may remain entrenched old prejudices, but also can arise where new values, aesthetic and ethical. The fashion of the gyms, the explosion of cosmetic surgeries, the prospects of integration between body and machine unfortunately point to a growing subjugation and homogenization of the body by controlling the technical, market, the dictatorship of beauty. But all is not lost, as Foucault would say, \”Where there is power there is resistance\” (Will to Know , 1976). The contemporary performing arts, especially the body arts (dance, performance, etc..), In partnership with the philosophies of difference, offer other possibilities ressensibilizao the \”body disgusted\” that is dormant in each one of us. This edition of The Bedbug Online , dedicated to thinking The Body in Dance and Philosophy , is a contribution to the rapprochement of free knowledge around the body and its policies. The essays and articles published, although grouped thematically, have different origins. The opening text of the magazine, The Boredom and Dance – Considerations from Nietzsche, Valry and Heidegger , Charles Feitosa, was originally presented at the First International Symposium on Dance and Philosophy, held at Space SESC / Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, in September 2005. Publication of this paper reveals a bit of memory and at the same time pays a small tribute to all students, dancers, choreographers, researchers and teachers, who could participate in this pioneering event in Brazil, especially Roberto Pereira, a researcher dance and philosophy (died early in 2009), founder and organizer of the conference (along with Sue Richards and Charles Feitosa). Through public call for contributions were selected the following essays and articles
: The Body Rebel, Helena Vieira, Spinoza\’s Ethics to think Affection in Dance, the Valeska Figuereido ; About the Body: A history of the physis to the poetic body , Alexandre Ferreira and Eusebio da Silva Lobo, Nietzsche: Body and Subjectivity, Miguel Angel Barrenechea . Each in its own way, has different perspectives about the potential of the body, not only in philosophy and dance, but in the performing arts in general.
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