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Submitted by: Dean Mol
If you’re one of those people who feels bad when someone else is doing all of the hard work, then calling house removal/ storage companies can be a bit difficult. However, there are a few things that you can do in order to give them a hand.
First of all, before the company gets there, make sure that everything is clean. It makes it easier for you, makes it easier for them, and it’s a great way to get things rolling. The company won’t clean up—except for behind themselves, perhaps. Don’t expect them to clean up a completely trashed house or to even start working.
Next, try and get the pets and the little ones out of the house. It can be stressful to watch strange people taking things out of the house for both parties—and dogs and cats can get territorial or a bit too curious and little kids can get in the way. Either way, it’s way easier for you and the company. Take your time to plan a little outing or perhaps just let them play in the backyard. Either way, try and keep them from underfoot.
Let them know where everything is. Let’s face it—they have no idea what your house looks like. You can’t expect them to just randomly know where everything is and work and have everything in the right places and packed quickly. Let them know where everything is and take the time to help them find anything that they need.
If you’re going to provide your own boxes, then you need to take your time to make sure that you have them ready—including packing tape and any other materials that you might need. Keep in mind that most companies will give you boxes for free—the tape and the packing materials are what will cost you.
Label things that need to go in certain boxes. If you need certain things to go in certain boxes, then take your time to put them in those boxes. But, most of all, try and be as courteous as possible about it. Unfortunately, those who work for moving and storage companies get the raw end of the deal a lot of times—but they’re only one or two people; they can’t do magic.
Once you have all of this said and done, you should take a little extra time to thank the movers for their help. Let’s face it—chances are that you’d be somewhat up a creek without a paddle if you didn’t have them there to help. They’ll appreciate it and you’ll feel good about letting them know how much they helped you.
Finally, make sure that you’re satisfied. If they did anything that you didn’t like, let them know. Don’t get rude or snappy about it—even if they’re rude or snappy to you. After that, just relax and enjoy the fact that it was ten times easier for you to pack, thanks to a moving and storage company.
About the Author: Removals and Storage are a London based removals and storage company specializing in all aspects of moving for private and business customers. For more details visit
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