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By Chad Rutt
When searching for the right baby gate for your home it is recommended that consumers to do their research to ensure safety and proper functionality in the gate they choose. Be aware of how you will use your baby gate to ensure you have the right type installed. Gates can be tricky, you can install a pressure mounted gate at the top or stairs, now can you place a retractable gate in front of your fireplace. Making the right choice now will save you any potential mishaps later. Utilize the below list to help you make the right choice.
Stair Gates
Your child’s first years will be safe by using a permanently mounted wide baby gate tends to be more ideal with the added pressure that can be put upon them. Additionally gate extensions can always be added if your baby gate is not wide enough, however adding too many extensions to your gate will reduce its strength, hence the popularity of wider gates for your baby. So keep location and functionally in mind when looking through specification for gates in your home. Find and use the right one and your child rearing just got a lot less stressful. Find a wide baby gate that will cover as much of the open area and possible and be sure to follow the installation directions as closely as you can to ensure its long-term stability and safety.
Extra Wide Gates
As our homes get larger, so do entryways, hallways, doorways, and you guessed it, an extra wide gate is now required. Many homes have doorways that come in many different shapes and sizes, making it necessary to buy an extra wide gate. Gates come with a lot of important and unique features, such as being able to adjust to door width. Standard gates typically only stretch out so far, requiring certain extensions that need to be added. Baby gate extensions prevent any disappointment if you have already purchased a regular sized one. Finding extra wide baby gates have become a lot easier with the extensions that are available. Research and take your time because you will appreciate it when you find an extra wide gate that is right for your home.
Fireplace Gates
Fireplace gates are much needed if children are in the presence of fire. Young children do not completely understand what safety precautions to take when a fireplace is going. The bright flames and the crackling noises are very attractive to kids, which may invoke them to explore further. If you setup a gate, make sure that it is properly functioning and sturdy. A permanently mounted one may be the answer you are looking for, considering a fireplace can be seriously harmful to a young child or baby. Fireplace gates come in many sizes and styles to fit your home. If you have a fireplace or wood burning stove in your home, then fireplace gates are a must.
Pressure Mounted Gates
A vast majority of parents would prefer to use pressure mounted gates over permanent ones primarily because of the easy installation process. They can be used for the less dangerous areas of any home besides staircases, like bedrooms or kitchens. The beauty of a pressure mounted gate is that not only is it simple to put in place, but is also simple to take down and place it elsewhere. This makes it handy for transporting your child from one room to the next. Pressure mounted gates are affordable and contain special mechanisms that make it easy to use, yet make for a sturdy barrier for your youngster. The rubber stoppers that they typically use make it so that it can create a firm grip with pressure between any surfaces you may apply it to.
Retractable Gates
Using Retractable GatesRetractable gates are by far one of the simplest indoor gates to use for your children. They are easy to install and use an automatic windup system that makes for fast setup and breakdown. There isn’t any manual winding involved to make it function properly. It uses special low profile brackets that are typically installed using screws. The beauty of it is that you have the ability to setup as many brackets to any entryway you may want your gate in and use the same gate on any of them. Retractable gates with mesh material make safety easy and aesthetically pleasing. They also have a low profile design that makes them pleasing to the eyes unlike other gates out there. Don’t forget to follow the directions exactly when installing your gate as it is going to have to withstand constant opening and shutting, not to mention the full force of a tantrum throwing toddler entering their terrible.
With the above knowledge, every smart parent can now make the right decision when it comes to choosing the right gate for their homes needs. Gates come in all types, from location specifics like stairs, wide hallways, or fireplaces, to gate types like pressure mounted or retractable. Choosing the right one for your need will make it the safest bet for you. Be sure to follow instructions exactly when installing child safety gates to ensure they hold us to years of use.
About the Author: Chad Rutt is a successful Digital Marketing Strategist and SEO speaker with nearly 20 years of in-depth online and traditional marketing experience. Chad is an expert in the digital marketing landscape having worked at publicly held Internet companies and VC start-ups alike. He specializes in campaign creation and execution . Chad is also a key speaker at SEO conferences and is a consultant for numerous small to mid-sized companies and web based start-ups. More at
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