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Submitted by: Anthony Malibu
Trying to win back your boyfriend? You’ll need to know when all your hard work is paying off. If you’re not sure if your ex still wants you or not, finding out his true feelings can help speed up the reconciliation process. Here’s how you can tell if your ex wants you back, whether or not he’s showing his heart on his sleeve.
Losing someone you love to a break up can be depressing and sad, but if you’re working toward getting your boyfriend back at least you’re taking steps in a positive direction. Many breakups can be reversed, and couples make up every single day. Time, patience, and a willingness to do the right things are all that’s standing between you and your ex boyfriend. But if you want to know how he really feels? Below you’ll find 5 signs your ex boyfriend still wants you in his life.
My Ex Boyfriend Keeps In Touch With Me
Whenever your ex keeps the lines of communication open, it means he’s not totally finished with your relationship. He might stick around as a “friend”, or call you up with a thousand platonic excuses to find out how you’re doing, but what your boyfriend is really up to is keeping tabs on you. Your ex wants to know where you are, just in case he reverses his decision to end things. It’s comforting for him to know that he can get you back anytime he wants, especially if you’re not dating anyone else.
Keeping in touch and constantly contacting is one way your ex can know all about your everyday life, but still hide behind the guise of friendship as he pursues other interests. Is it a sign he wants you back? Maybe not right now. But it’s a definite sign that he doesn’t want you to go away.
My Ex Boyfriend Called After A Long Period Of Not Talking To Me
An ex who dials your number (or emails you, or text-messages you…) after a long period of silence is looking to find out your current status. Something happened in his life that changed the way he looked at you. Perhaps he was chasing another girl and it didn’t work out, or maybe he was reconsidering the romance he had with you. Hell, maybe he just plain misses you big time. No matter what he says or how nonchalant he might act, your ex is really getting in touch with you for one reason: he still wants you.
Don’t let any of his lame excuses fool you, either. Ex boyfriends will call saying anything and everything, from asking for old “stuff” back to wanting you to believe they’re just saying hello. The truth of the matter is that your ex has been thinking about you, and it took some courage for him to call. Reward that courage by not questioning his motives for calling, at least not right now. If you want your boyfriend back, make sure he knows you’re happy he dialed you up.
My Ex Boyfriend Wants To Meet Me
Contact is one thing, but wanting to meet up with you is another big sign your exboyfriend still wants you. You need to be careful on this one however, as it could be that he’s only meeting you for physical reasons. Guys who call wanting to get immediately romantic or fly right back into your arms are probably looking to sleep with you, get a booty call, and satisfy their own sexual needs. An ex who’s truly thinking about you again in a girlfriend capacity will be a lot more timid and a lot less quick to jump into something, and that’s how you’ll know the difference.
Meeting your ex boyfriend is a necessary part of getting back together with him. Make sure you choose something small and quick, like a lunch or coffee date. Your reunion date should last no longer than 45 minutes for best results, and should leave him wanting to see you again. Don’t reveal everything you’ve been doing to your exboyfriend all at once either: make sure you leave enough to the imagination that he’ll want to continue to call, email, or contact you.
My Ex Keeps Asking If I’m Seeing Anyone Else
One of the signals given off when your ex wants you back: asking about your dating situation. No guy wants to put himself out on a limb by asking you out again, only to be rejected because you’re seeing someone else. If your ex is asking about your lovelife, he’s already thinking of being with you again. He could also be jealous and nervous that you’re going to move on without him. Knowing that you’re not dating anyone gives him the green light to proceed, but don’t be too eager to reveal this information entirely. Let him wonder for a bit, and stay the most interested.
My Ex Boyfriend Stopped By To See Me
An exboyfriend who shows up unexpectedly is giving off one of the biggest indications that he wants to date or see you again. A phone call wasn’t good enough… a text-message was too impersonal… no, this guy had to physically see you. Such actions are huge – especially considering how hard it must’ve been for your ex to show up without so much as a phone call or email telling you he was coming. In fact, some guys like this scenario because it allows them to make a grand entrance AND catch you completely unprepared. They might feel they’ll get a more honest reaction from you when you don’t know they’re coming, and you know what? They’re probably right.
If you want your ex boyfriend back, let him know you’re not unhappy that he showed up. Don’t be completely thrilled to death either, but be generally accepting of his pop-in visit. Ask him how he’s been, and let him talk about himself for a while. The more he talks, the better your chances of finding out the real reason he came… because he still wants you.
Learning which signals a guy gives off when he’s ready to reconcile is a crucial part of winning him back. You need to be prepared to not only identify these signs, but to also encourage the behavior associated with them. In addition to the signals listed above, you’ll run into many other more subtle hints that your ex boyfriend still loves you: body language, voice inflection, etc… etc… etc… Learn about these signs as well, and know what your opening moves should be when it’s finally time to reconnect with your ex.
About the Author: There are 8 Individual Steps that will
Get Back Your Ex Boyfriend
, so find out what they are! And for more information on reestablishing contact, check out
Contacting Your Ex Boyfriend
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